Frequently Asked Questions

How many tutoring sessions may I purchase?

We are flexible with our tutoring. You pay for the tutoring sessions you complete in a month. We do not have any contracts and you have the flexibility to change tutors or number of sessions per week at any time. Research has shown that consistent tutoring is necessary to make an impact in a child's education.

What type of tutoring services do you provide?

We offer a combination of 1:1 tutoring or small group. Sessions can be delivered virtually or in-person, depending on your location.

What areas/subjects do you offer tutoring services?

We offer tutoring services in a variety of content areas: Elementary Math, Middle School Math, Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, English 9-12, Writing, Spelling, Reading: decoding/encoding/comprehension, Sciences: Biology/Chemistry/Earth and Environmental Science, History/Civics/Government, etc. Our tutoring is for elementary, middle and high school-aged children.

Many of our tutors are experienced/licensed in Special Education and can assist students with learning difficulties, dyslexia, and processing disorders, etc.

We also offer executive functioning tutoring in the areas of impulse control, emotional control, flexible thinking, working memory, self-monitoring, planning & prioritizing, task initiation, and organization.

Finally, we tutor children with note-taking methods, study-skills, test-taking strategies, and time-management.

If we are interested in small group tutoring how does that work?

We are willing to arrange a small group of students to join a group for specific tutoring. It is best for you to gather a few friends for us to tutor at one time though. The prices are significantly reduced per family for small group tutoring (3 – 5 students).

What courses/ classes do you offer classes?

The classes that are offered are based on the needs of the community. Most summers we offer Algebra Preparation Courses (on-line) for students taking Algebra 1 in the fall. We also usually offer 2 writing courses in the summer that focus on college entrance essays and another on the writing process.

Do you offer any referral bonuses to clients?

We love referrals! If you refer a new client and they receive 5 or more tutoring sessions, you receive a $30 credit to your account for future tutoring sessions.

What are the sizes of the courses you offer?

The sizes range from 2 – 20 participants depending on popularity of the particular course. For us to conduct a class we need a minimum of 2 or 4 students depending on the class.

Phoenix Educational Zone is one of the leading tutoring service providers in the Northern Virginia area. We offer a variety of in-person and virtual educational services from one to one and group tutoring to providing courses and homeschooling consultation. 

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